Vídeos de SOS

Atmel AVR Xplain

Atmel AVR Xplain

EVB kit for Xmega family

Hameg HMO2024

Hameg HMO2024

uLCD43(GFX) Running 4D-ViSi QWERTY Keypad

uLCD43(GFX) Running 4D-ViSi QWERTY Keypad

The new uLCD43(GFX) module from 4D Systems shown here is showcasing the new QWERTY keypad gadget part of the 4D-ViSi software Tool. The keypad is a single gadget with predefined touch linked to each key, which allows easy linking for additional actions with each key stroke. This demonstration shows two uLCD43(GFX) communicating via their serial ports.

OSRAM Duris E3 and E5

OSRAM Duris E3 and E5

SMD mid-power LEDs for linear lighting and application in retrofits.

SOS electronic europe – how does our logistic center work?

SOS electronic europe – how does our logistic center work?

We deliver electronic components for you and your hardware application. In this short video you can visit our stock and logistic center virtually to see how does it work :) www.soselectronic.com

Wago picoMAX series connectors

Wago picoMAX series connectors

Mini PCB connectors

Mini PCB connectors

Miniature easily applicable PCB connectors from Phoenix Contact

SOS electronic Elosys 2012 curling

SOS electronic Elosys 2012 curling

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - 4D systems

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - 4D systems

28.6.2012 - Budapest, Hungary

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - Lantronix xPort, xPico

SOS electronic PizzaWorkshop - Lantronix xPort, xPico

24.-27.9.2012 - Warsaw, Bratislava, Székesfehérvár



Acusticus Professional is an online browser-based application for creating acoustic projects. More info at www.telegrafia.sk.

How reed switches are manufactured

How reed switches are manufactured

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